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Fisheye Placebo: Ch0 - Part 7



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If you're not familiar with the story, please read the Fisheye Placebo: Intro first. 

This strip is inspired by a personal experience I had as a child in China. Like in the story, I was in the car with my dad when a group of street children came begging for money. My dad immediately locked the doors and explained to me that these kids were known to stab and rob people when the passengers open the window to give them food or money. And like in the story, my dad also grew up in extreme poverty, having to eat rats for survival in his childhood, but instead of sympathizing with the street children, he believed that anyone can pull themselves up like the way he did so there was no need for charity. 

There is no moral to take away from this situation. I can't say what would have been the right thing to do at that moment, but I did gain a better sense of the class struggle that existed and still exists. I want to show in this strip how ignorant and spoiled Vance and Alex were, and the kind of country that Frey and Robin wants to change.  

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For more promotional art and character designs, check out the Fisheye Placebo gallery! 

Diamond Sky by yuumei Rise - Night Version by yuumei Fisheye Placebo: Cypherpunks by yuumei Underground by yuumei Fisheye Placebo: Solo for the Self by yuumei All City by yuumei
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© 2013 - 2024 yuumei
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MajorasMasks's avatar
Well, at least the slums look more varied than the zone of the city Vance and Alex are living in. Being from Italy, where we have many small towns and villages with many antique and different houses, most USA (or from anywhere) suburbs, with houses looking all the same, genuinely creep me out.  ^^'